
Johnny's birthday 2006


Now Juni 9 is of course Johnny Depp's birthday *o*
But I wanted something special for my fictional fella and suggested he should have his birthday December 24 when Danish kiddies get their Christmas presents at night - 'cause he's my best gift EVER *O*
But my Johnny Sweets very sensible said that everything - party, presents and such would kinda 'disappear' in the Christmas hollabalou ... So finally we agreed on Juni 23 when the Danes celebrate Saint John(ny?) the Baptist's eve with a big bonfire in the evening *O*
BUT this is both a clebration of the real life Johnny Depp and my little sweetie *o* ... with Jack [played by my boy] added for the fun of it -o*


As you can see here my imaginary version of Johnny is NOT a morning person *O* Neither am I actually - he *o*
But I clucked happily "Congratulation, baby *O* !"
It turned out though even after several cups of coffee and some cigs my guy wasn't so sure all this birthday-stuff was so fabulous - he let himself be persuaded though -o*



He is a tease though *o*
Claimed he needed to loot some ships in order for us to pay for the party and dressed up as Jack *O*
But he doesn't need a gun to get his presents ...
CLUCK !!! ? !!! He's out to get me ... *reads the text again * Oh, a squirtgun *o* Well, that's different *O* Except ... Little Jackie has a tendency to fill it with STICKY coke which makes my feathers all icky when he shoots me and - and .....
Bloody PIRATE !!!

Tshee-hee *o*
