As usual one might say my dreamy dreamer doesn't follow the calender that closely ... Neither
do I *o*
So when I - flapping and clucking excitedly because I had just realised it myself - came and told
my imaginary version of Johnny that it would soon be Valentine's Day this is the answer I got *o*
At least I was willing to get your a present *o*


Cluck, sweetie *o* But you always think you have to give exspensive presents so dressed up as
Jack in order to do a bit of pirating -O*
JOHNNY NOT QUITE LISTENING: The poor little heart on his sword - my sword
tip ...
Oh, no, sweetie *o* That is that little stuntheart who was so PROUD that she's working with you that
we could hardly stop her talking about it long enough to make the pic *O*
SMILING JOHNNY: You shouldn't have told that *o* I had forgotten it - but yes,
she was just as silly as you *O* Let's look at the butterflies on the frame again - yes, that pic *o*
*o* ... but is it so silly to love you?
KISSING SHYGUY: No, maybe not, little hen *o*


What was wrong here ... You look so - sad or - or nervous?
JOHNNY AGAIN: Yeah - well
- you could only see the beautiful wings and the back of this butterfly. But she showed me the biggest set of sharp pointed
teeth and huge canines I ever did see ... Like looking at the smile of a saber tooth tiger - brrrr !!!
... *believes him for a second and then giggles happily and hugs her wonderful tall tale teller * Oh, I do love you