
Why's the floor gone ???


I wanted to demonstrate a while back for a sweet friend what one could do with GIFS on a computer - make the background disappear, that is *o*
But my otherwise patient model/fictional fella/editor and so on and so forth would prefer I DON'T do that !!!
Just look at the situation the poor guy suddenly was in ...

Don't worry though - the floor was present and accounted for *o* Just not to be seen -O*

MEEPSIE'S INVENTED EDITOR: After that experience I really needed to lay down - but all our little chick could offer me was this ... *points at next picture below while trying to hide his smile*



By the way - the "couch" is made (in Photoshop, of course -o* ) of a picture - Meepsie's - of the shadow cast on a dinnertable by a friend's glass bowl *O*

Cluck *o*
But - I have cleaned the real couch of clutter now so you're very welcome to move over there, baby *O*