I've always - or at least as long as I have made these Johnny-cards - made birthday pics on my own
birthday January 4th *o* Not so much to celebrate myself but as a gift to any who pass by and wish me Happy Birthday *O*
But oh, you are SO cute, Johnny *O*
JOHNNY: Oh, but you are SO SILLY - little cutie pet *o* *kisses his delighted "pet
hen" *


SMILING JOHNNY: Cute and/or silly - I like those oldfashioned frames with the flowers *o*
Me too *O* But both frames and the pictures of you are fade ... Maybe one should try a bit of picture
restoring !!!
SWEET JOHNNY: Erm - before you do that - do you have some food for that poor little horsy ...
It's so hungry it's starting in on its own leg -_-
Johnny ... You KNOW it's an Irish ornament and suppose to
look - like - that ... Oh, O.K. I guess we have an apple or two *O*


LAUGHING TEASE GIVING THE HORSY HIS APPLE: Or maybe some birthday cake -o* ... but
who is turning five? You, little Meepsie -O* ?
Noooo ... I'm older than you so if I were you weren't born yet,
young man *O*
THE YOUNG MAN: Shere ...
Thank you, sweetie *o* Now what better way to celebrate than for me to hold you gently in the
palm of my hand *O*
JOHNNY: Hmmm - could perchance you hold the whole me - in your arms like?
*O* But we better publish the page and do that in private then -o*
