The little sweet SILLY has still not figure out that ...

Tshee-hee *o*
That actually clucks it all in my opinion *o* So that could be THE END of the 2006 birthday story
But I have made some alternative versions of 3 of the pics - without speech bubbles - and here's the first *o*


SMILING EDITOR: No more teasing, baby birdie *o* ?
Oh, sure, hon' *O*
You'll get plenty of that every waking minute of the day - so in the end I should perhaps thank
you for 'keeping up' with me ...
KISSING AND COMFORTING JOHNNY: Oh, don't you worry *o* I am STAYING here
*O* Except - perhaps we should go help Lizzie and Will put out the fire -o*
Cluck, baby *O*
