GIGGLING BEAU: Well, that's mutual, I'm sure, sweetie *O* ... let's go
on ! *o* !
Cluck, baby *O*

JOHNNY SWEETS: Here's the only present, I could afford - me *o*
That's the best
I can get *O*
But - what's with that cheeky little smile here ... That flutterby 'smiled' at you too *O* ?
SMILING HIMSELF: No *o* I was just thinking about my very learned daddy Hermes's face if he heard you call the
words on the next card a quote of Shakespeare *O*


Naughty baby *O* *giggles happily and hides her blushing face against Johnny's shoulder
SMILING NAUGHTY BLOKE: Yes, I am *O* ... but actually - I won't tell your beloved uncle H. - my
dad *o* Because although he loves the King - almost as much as Grandie Hera does -o* - he
also loves his junior bird of wisdom *o* More *O* ... yeah *o* You, Meepsie-pie *O*
let's get this page PUBLISHED !!! And then I'll show you some big teeth -O*