Yes, yes, I know - one shouldn't bang on one's own drum ... But I also just mentioned
the fact of my birthday today to explain some of the text
- my SPOILT fictional sweet-fella having his say as usual - on these 'Happy Birthday-cards' on
this page *O*

This is my "birthday present" to you all on account of it being my birthday *o* ... if that
last statement doesn't make sense - what can I cluck ... I'm a silly bird -o* Turning 49 today *blushes
shyly, but also happily *
But my darling Johnny Sweets (my imaginary version of Johnny) is both spoilt and
a sweet tease ... Just read the text on this card ! *O* ! Fried worms, indeed *rolls her eyes* YUCK
!!! Tshee-hee *O*
But just look how cute and beautiful he looks giggling on this next one - happy 'cause I love his
teasing *O* Although I did stuck out my tongue of him, pouted and acted up - being spoilt myself ... Johnny's
very good at spoiling people *smiles happily * I had to tell that gorgeous little cheek firmly
though that he could eat his fried worms himself! ... or better still let the poor wee critters live in the first place *O*


But as I clucked; I am a spoiled bird - and here's my lovely man out buying presents *O* ... and
other nice things for celebrating his birdie throwing a great birthday party *o*
YES !!! *O* !!!
I especially 'toys' for my computer so I will certainly give my sweetie what he wish for here *o* ...
and quick before one of you nice people volunteer to stand in for me - he -o* Tshee-hee *O*
