The picture party continues -o*

But, Johnny - you have a whole BAG of presents for me, you say ... WOW! Yes,
yes! I'm coming, Johnny !!! *O* !!! Ain't he just wonderful? ... and telling me to close my beak now! Leave
off some of the praise before he turns thoroughly pink -o*
... really, baby? Did you really turn so pink you had to turn off the colours to hide it ...
Tshee-hee-hee *O* Yes, I'll be sweet now, baby *kisses her happy 'baby' * But please let's
start the party NOW *O*


And yes, Johnny Sweets *o* You are my Teddy bear *O* Playing your guitar and singing "Happy
Birthday to you" for me while I'm snapping so many pictures of you my camera will be smoking
in a moment *blushes * Wanna join us at the party, my dear reader? Well, then please do so in your own
imagination *o* It's this way *O* Or please just follow my butterfly *o*
Yeah - O.K. ... My sweet sweetie claimed it is too hard for a little butterfly - or somewhat
smallish flutterby ... - to fly around and show all manner of sweet people to our house so now she is sitting on his hand
and he'll show you the way - but I am pretty sure you won't mind that *O*
