
Valentine's Day 2003


O.K. - some of these could be better ...
But I was just starting out making pictures in Photoshop back then *o* *gets red feathers around her beak *

SMILING AND COMFORTING EDITOR: Yes, but you were also funny back then - you are HATCHED funny, me thinks *o* So let's hang the pics, pet *O*
Cluck, Johnny *o*



JOHNNY: Naughty little chi - bear *o* Are you allowed to draw on me like that *O* ?

Cluck am not?

KISSING JOHNNY: Yes, of course you are, sweetie *o* And take pictures, mamarazzi *O*
Cluck *O*
But maybe I should stay away from the champagne - so I can take fine pics of a fine boy *o*



Who always claims he is NOT-AT-ALL romantic -O*

BLUSHING, BUT HAPPY ROMANTIC: Oh, do be quiet, birdie *o* ... NEXT pic *O*

Cluck, baby *o*

THE ROMANTIC PARTTIME ROCK MUSICIAN: Now that's more like it *O* ... but how come the picture is not straight?

Well, you played rock - so it rocked -O*

LAUGHING JOHNNY: Naughty birdie *O*



TEASING BOY: You really ought to wipe your little chicken feet before you walk all over me - the frame - like that, baby girlie -o*

THAT is not chicken feet !!!
Cluck thinks it was you *o* Perhaps trying to find a way into the frame *O*
JOHNNY AGAIN: Perhaps *o* But here I am thinking seriously about using those feet to KICK you ups upside your little tail feather -o*


MUMSY APHRODITE: Oh, no, you ain't, Johnny-boy *o* You are way too sweet for THAT *O* ... but you do at times stick your tongue out of a venerable ancient goddess - tshee-hee-hee *O*
