
Valentine 03 - page 2


Five more "ancient" pictures *O*

MUMSY'S SWEET BOY: Who is that ANCIENT goddess you talk about? I can only see my young mum *o*

He is a sweetie, ain't he *o* ?

HEAD SHAKING AND SMILING MUMSY: Oh, yes, you both are *o* ... NEXT pic *O*



BLUSHING GUY: And you cluck I'm a tease *o*

Oh, you are, darling*o*
But also sweet - pretended to trip on your shoelashes to make the little rabbits giggle when you got up and moved over on the cloud on the next piciture *O*
TEASING TEASE: Yes, that's another thing I've been wondering about - how exactly did I get up on that cloud, honeycluck -o* ?

Erm - I ...

MUMSY: You are both magical, sweetie - so you just did *o* Tshee-hee-hee *O*



And even little angels love you *o*
Yes, they do, my little angel *O*
BLUSHING ANTI-ANGEL: Also if they catch a glimps of me in the first cousin of Freddy Krueger's old sweater ... Really, birdie *o*

Well - I don't know about angels - but this bird do !!!

SHY, BUT HAPPY JOHNNY: Oh, sweetie ...

SMILING MUMSY: We better publish this and then you two can talk on in private *o*
