I am not sure what happened in the year 2004 ... I certainly did celebrate my birthday
but can't find any pics to prove it *o* So flaps on to 2005 without further ado *O*
Cluck? ... "Don't eat me!" *o*
SMILING - AND KISSING - "alien": Oh, no? Well, we'll see
about that, won't we -O* ?
Cluck *O*


But no, Johnny won't eat me *O* He just want to know which way to the party - come this way,
sweetie! Over here *o*
Even though the silly birdie makes him blush he still smiles at me *O*
do, yes - but could you please look at the 'sign' below while I get my normal colour back? ... thank you *o*


MUMSY APHRODITE: Hi ... Are you trying to play me - surfing
on a sea shell *O*
Surfing ... That has to do with water, right? I am NOT a duck !!! For clucking out
loud -o*