But can you blame me for loving this guy ... *Johnny starts to roar "YES!" but his
smiling Mumsy holds her little hand over his mouth -o* *
Oh, come ON, baby - you LOVE to be loved *o*

And are ever so lovely ... Aaaaaahh *O*
JOHNNY: O.K. I'm in the minority here I
can see *o* ... and I love that frame *O*
MUMSY: One can't help loving you - even though I say so myself -o*
TRYING TO TEASE: Et tu, mother? ... tshee-hee-hee *O* Don't ti-hee-hee-hickled me both of you *O* No
fa-he-he-hair *O*


Oh - O.K. *o* Uncle !!! ... and aunt Fanny too, I suppose -o* I give up -
here's your gift, pet *o* *points with a big smile at the parcel*
I have got you ..... *sits with big eyes and
looks at the pretty picture until enveloped in a big hug *
THE "GIFT": Yes, sweetie *o* Always *O*