A silly little pirate - yes, yes, sweetie *o* Captain Jack Sparrow told me yesterday that
I really ought to start saving for his Christmas presents ...
But Jack - today is December 21 ???
BLUSHING PIRATE: I meant next year's presents - oh, just hang the pictures, little birdie
Cluck, Jack *O*

But - as I do ... There *o* But I would like to point out that
more will probably be added here in the coming days! There's 12 days of Christmas after all *O*
JOHNNY: Silly pet *o* But what has has this pic to do with Christmas, pray
... there's stars - look! One on the tile and one on the background - and you, my little stammm
Here you are again *O*
But - you should have dressed warmer, baby ...
"BABY": It's the desert, honey bird *O*
Yes, but it gets cold at night and I wasn't with you -o*
And why do you sigh so deeply at the next pic ...


JOHNNY SIGHING AGAIN: Well - I don't seem to be able to find the genuine Christmas spirit
... Maybe we should ask those smart blokes on the camels to find that too *o*
... no - they work for ... A-hmmm *O* We better not *o*
But please come with me over on the next page and I'll see what I can do *o*