Could you dear people please look at this beauty while I try to persuade same to find his Christmas
JOHNNY AGAIN: Beauty, eh ... I should have bought you new glasses for Christmas *o*
... this is a serious case! *flaps up on a startled Johnny's lap and grabs his shirt front with
both wings * Now listen here, you - oh - hi, Baba *o*

GOD OF SMITHS, TINKERS - ROARERS?: Tinkers !!! ... cheeky Johnny *o* Ehm - I just came by to say everything should
be in order now! Hermes managed to get the little down you dropped into the Christmas Spirit-machine yesterday out *O* Do
you want it back, baby birdie?
I dropped a ... Cluck *o* *blushes and sits herself more comfortable on Johnny's lap *
LAUGHING AND RELIEVED JOHNNY: Oh, so that was what the problem was *O* ... we better
hang the next pic while this wee bird unblushes herself *o*
BABA HEFAISTOS: Aye, lad *o* ... you and kiddies, Johnny - of any kind *O*
Yeah, and you hate them -o*
BLUSHING OLD GOD: Quiet, feather ball! No, I don't - at such ... Stop giggling, you
two *O* And pour some mead in a tankard for me, pet *o*
Cluck, baba *o*


SMILING JOHNNY TRYING TO HELP HIS BELOVED FATHER-IN-LAW: But we don't hate the old folks either,
do we now *o* ?
No - I guess I have the same rule for doggies and humans *o*
HEFAISTOS: For ... What rules is that?
GIGGLING JOHNNY: A man once asked our birdie if she liked dogs and the cheeky - AND smart - little
fowl clucked "That depends on the dog!"
Cluck !!!
And tshee-hee-hee *O*
* In my imagination this guy - Brian Blessed - plays Hefaistos -o*
HELPFUL EDITOR: Yes, that was a link so you can see who she means *O*