JOHNNY: What? Are you now so mad at me for suggesting that your favorit pirate should do a bit
of honest pi...... - dishonest, I guess, pirating that you will give me away to any Tomasine, Richardine - oh, Tom, Dick
and HARRY passing by here !!!
CALM BABA: No, silly boy *o* She'll just give away the picture *o*
Yes! What he clucked *o*

EMBARRASSED (baby)BOYFRIEND: Ehm - sorry, Meepsie *o* I just got nervous there for
a moment ... You love that SUPERsilly pirate so much I kinda - get - sorta - jealous - at times ...
... oh, baby *O* *hugs the SUPERsilly guy she lives with and loves * That's only
because he's YOU *o* *kisses her happy beau too *
JOHNNY: WOW - didn't you mention a party, Baba *O* ?
SMILING HEFAISTOS: I did *o* So let's get OUT of here *O* ... but you better publish
first, honey hen -o*
Cluck, Baba! ... done !!! *O*